China Weaponizes Gallium

July 9, 2023 — In an InvestorIntel interview with a Critical Minerals Institute Director (CMI) Alastair Neill, the CMI Co-founder Tracy Weslosky asks Alastair about China’s announcement on July 3rd and starts with “What happened?” CMI Director Alastair Neill begins with: “I think it caught a lot of people by surprise. There was no forewarning, which sometimes comes out of China — they signal things, but not in this case. And of course, I think we’ve always talked that we expected China to weaponize Rare Earths first, not a critical mineral like gallium. (Recently) I was on a panel at the CMI Summit when you asked what my pick was for what was the most critical of the critical minerals – I picked gallium. Because China dominates that space even more than rare earths as it has 98%. Of the world’s output.” To access the complete interview, click here