Fjordland Exploration looks to ride nickel surge with 4 projects in Canada

The nickel market has been red hot in 2022 as Russian supply chain risks intensified. Russia is a major nickel exporter. The huge spike in the chart was caused by a short-seller squeeze that resulted in the London Metals Exchange having to halt nickel trading.

Nickel one year price chart showing nickel’s steady rise on strong demand and constrained supply , particularly with concerns over Russian supply

Source: Trading Economics

Nickel miners have naturally benefited from higher nickel prices over the past year. The nickel miners that tend to do best are those with growing nickel sulphide projects in safe jurisdictions. Today’s company has 4 projects (nickel sulfide and copper-gold) in the safe jurisdiction of Canada.

Fjordland Exploration Inc. (TSXV: FEX) (Fjordland) is an exploration stage miner with a focus on nickel, copper, and gold in Canada.

Fjordland’s four projects in Canada include:

  • South Voisey’s Bay Project (currently owns 75% with an option to earn-in to a 100% interest). 29,400 hectares (29.4 Sq.Km) prospective for nickel, copper and cobalt. Note: Ivanhoe Electric is a private company led by Robert Friedland, which has the right to earn 65% of the project from Fjordland once Ivanhoe Electric has spent $5 million.
  • Renzy Nickel-Copper Project (option to earn-in to a 100% interest). 86 km2 property with the past producing Renzy Mine and a Historical NI-43-101 Resource estimate (indicated 51,000 tonnes 0.79% Ni and 0.72% Cu) not yet to be relied upon. Past drilling included 10.8 m of 1.3% nickel and 1.8% copper.
  • Milligan West Project (43% JV partner with Northwest Copper Corp). Copper-gold porphyry potential. The Project lies immediately west of Centerra’s Mt. Milligan Mine.
  • Witch Project (100% interest) – 100 km2 property about 35kms from the Milligan West Project. Copper-gold porphyry potential.

A summary and location map showing Fjordland’s four exploration projects in Canada

Source: Fjordland Exploration Inc. company presentation

Next steps for Fjordland

In 2022 Fjordland will be reviewing data from their Witch Project acquisition. They also expect to receive project funding from Ivanhoe Electric as part of their agreement at the South Voisey’s Bay Project. Fjordland is also currently drilling at their Renzy Nickel Copper Project with a $1 million fully funded program which is expected to be completed by the end of Q2 2022. Results to follow.

Closing remarks

For investors, key attractions of Fjordland are the current low market cap of just C$7 million and the potential exploration upside in some of the best land positions in Canada. Voisey’s Bay is world renowned for nickel with the world’s largest nickel producer Vale operating there. Fjordland has four well-located Canadian projects with potential for nickel, copper, cobalt, and gold.

As of March 2022, management and insider ownership (includes Friedland’s Ivanhoe Electric) is an impressive 45%.

Due to the early stage investors will need plenty of patience while we wait to see what exploration success Fjordland has. Drill results from the Renzy Nickel Copper Project are a key potential stock catalyst in the coming months. Risk is therefore higher due to the early stage, however so is the potential reward. Stay tuned.