Frederick Kozak of Auxico Resources talks about the economic war for critical minerals

In this InvestorIntel interview, host Tracy Weslosky talks to Auxico Resources Canada Inc.’s (CSE: AUAG) new President and CEO Frederick Kozak about the importance of securing reliable western supply sources of critical minerals and Auxico’s progress in developing its monazite projects.

In the interview, which can also be viewed in full on the InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here to access, Frederick tells Tracy, “I don’t think the world fully appreciates that we are in a full-blown economic war for critical materials,” with China dominating the critical materials sector. Auxico is pursing projects in other countries, like the DRC and Brazil. “We are sales agent for our sister company Central American Nickel which is currently producing monazite from the Democratic Republic of Congo,” he says in the interview. “Within 2 years, 18 months, I’m going to be able to also deliver monazite from Brazil from processing tin tailings,” he continued, “and then secondly I’m also going to be able to deliver monazite from Colombia.” He also discusses Auxico’s advantage in having a monazite deposit that is low to non-radioactive, eliminating one of the biggest problems in processing.

With a NI 43-101 technical report being prepared for its Brazil project and an updated one for the company’s Colombia property, Frederick goes on to say that he and Auxico are looking forward to meeting increasing demands for rare earths and other critical minerals. “The governments around the world are are getting going, but there is some inertia. I’m doing it now because I’m not waiting for the governments of the world to say: ‘Oh we have a problem.’ We know we have a problem and I’m going to be part of the solution.”

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here

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About Auxico Resources Canada Inc.

Auxico Resources Canada Inc. is a Canadian company that was founded in 2014 and based in Montreal, trading on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE) under symbol AUAG. Auxico is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in ColombiaBrazilMexicoBolivia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

To learn more about Auxico Resources Canada Inc., click here

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