Jack Lifton and Panther Metals Darren Hazelwood on the “greenstone belt for VMS deposits” in Canada
In this Investor.Coffee interview with world renowned critical minerals expert and Critical Minerals Institute (CMI) Co-Chairman Jack Lifton, Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther Metals PLC (LSE: PALM) discusses their exploration efforts focused on Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) deposits in Ontario.
Explaining why Panther’s quest to become the next VMS Camp in Canada is the priority, Darren starts with: “They are polymetallic deposits. In Canada, 49% of the zinc Produced is from VMS, and about 25% of the copper is from VMS — west to us is the Sturgeon Lake Greenstone belt. Now that’s a renowned greenstone belt for VMS deposits. There were 5 past producing mines, all produced commercially from the late 60s to the early 90s.” Darren adds: “Actually, Glencore was back prospecting there in 2023 and Jim Franklin, who’s a world-renowned expert on VMS and a world-renowned geologist said that he believes that Obonga, which is the greenstone belt we’re working on, is the sister greenstone belt to Sturgeon Lake. We couldn’t wish for a better exploration property than Obonga.”
In this interview, Darren and Jack discuss the significance of VMS deposits, and the past success of Northern Ontario for locating such camps. Darren provides commentary on the six holes targeting VMS deposits in the Obonga Project that have already been drilled. Confirming the area’s potential for VMS mineralization, including identifying four separate lenses from five drill holes at the Wishbone area where the Panther team has discovered significant mineralization, including high percentages of zinc, silver, and copper.
With an extraordinary land package of 291 square miles in Northern Ontario, Jack explores the substantial experience of the Panther Metals team. Citing Nicholas O’Reilly, a reporting geologist who is well known for the work he contributes to the Geological Society in London: Jack focuses on Darren’s sizable success as a business professional before transcending into the resource industry. Jack comments: “The thing that is so noticeable about the junior mining industry is that there’s no businessmen in it. It’s usually geologists with a dream. You bring a different dimension to the business because you’re starting off thinking like a business professional. To me, this is a very good thing.” To access the complete interview, click here
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About Panther Metals PLC
Panther Metals PLC is an exploration company listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. Panther is focussed on the discovery of commercially viable mineral deposits. The Company’s operational focus is on established mining jurisdictions with the capacity for project scalability. Drill targets are assessed rapidly utilising a combination of advanced technologies and extensive geological data to decipher potential commercial viability and act accordingly. Panther’s current geological portfolio comprises of three highly prospective properties in Ontario, Canada while the developing investment wing focuses on the targeting of nickel and gold in Australia.
To learn more about Panther Metals PLC, click here
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