Terra Balcanica’s Alex Miskovic on the “spectacular high grade silver results” in the Balkans

May 13, 2024 — In a recent interview with Tracy Weslosky of InvestorNews, Aleksandar (Alex) Mišković, President, CEO and Director of Terra Balcanica Resources Corp. (CSE: TERA), detailed the company’s exploration activities and strategic positioning in the Balkans and Canada. Terra Balcanica, an exploration company for precious and base metals, is notably active in southeastern Europe, particularly in Serbia and Bosnia. Mišković highlighted the company’s acquisition of a significant land package near the Athabasca Basin in Canada, aimed at exploring uranium. “Terra Balcanica is a precious metal and base metal explorer in Southeastern Europe, strategically positioned at the footsteps of the European Union, a continent that’s badly starved for resources,” Mišković stated. The company’s exploration efforts in Bosnia have yielded “spectacular high grade silver results,” with recent drilling reaching approximately 3,500 meters, particularly around the Chumavichi target where high-grade epithermal veins have been identified.

Mišković also elaborated on the company’s operational strategies and community engagement in the Balkans, emphasizing Terra Balcanica’s strong local relationships and supportive governmental interactions. He described the regions of Serbia and Bosnia as mining-friendly with beneficial tax and royalty rates, which enhance the attractiveness for mineral exploration and development. Mišković further discussed the new opportunities in Canada, describing a strategic acquisition of uranium-focused licenses. “For what is certainly an energy metal that is currently sought after, in a very well-established world-class district, such as Athabasca Basin that is currently experiencing a staking rush,” he explained. This move aligns with the company’s ambition to diversify and strengthen its portfolio while continuing robust exploration activities in Eastern Europe.

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About Terra Balcanica Resources Corp.

Terra Balcanica is a polymetallic and energy metals exploration company targeting large-scale mineral systems in the Balkans of southeastern Europe and northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The Company has 90% interest in the Viogor-Zanik Project in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina and owns 100% of the Ceovishte mineral exploration licence in southern Serbia. The Canadian assets comprise a 100% optioned portfolio of uranium-prospective licences at the outskirts of the world-renowned Athabasca basin: Charlot-Neely Lake, Fontaine Lake, Snowbird South Pendleton. The Company emphasizes responsible engagement with local communities and stakeholders. It is committed to proactively implementing Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) and sustainable health, safety, and environmental management.

To learn more about Terra Balcanica Resources Corp., click here

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