John Cash of Ur-Energy Discusses Revenue Growth and Expanding Uranium Production in Wyoming
In this InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky talks with Ur-Energy Inc.’s (NYSE American: URG | TSX: URE) Chairman, CEO, and President John Cash about restarting commercial production at Ur-Energy’s Lost Creek, In Situ, Uranium Facility in Wyoming, United States.
John discusses how their cash flow looks promising as UR-Energy has decided to ramp up production due to improving market conditions and some favorable long-term contracts. The Company has already sold 100,000 pounds of uranium at $64.47 per pound this year and is contracted to sell another 180,000 pounds of uranium with projected sales to reach over $17 million in 2023. He adds that next year, sales should increase to 600,000 pounds and the Company should recognize about $200 million during the lifetime of the first two contracts signed.
UR-Energy is the lowest-cost producer of uranium in the United States and has a strong track record of maintaining low costs due to the quality of the ore body in Wyoming and its experienced staff. The Company has received significant support from Wyoming, both locally and statewide, including funding for facility expansion and strong backing from politicians and regulators.
John discusses UR-Energy’s Lost Creek production plant has a capacity of 1.2 million pounds per year, while its second facility, Shirley Basin, is licensed for 1 million pounds per year, but has not been built out yet. He adds that the Company aims to secure additional contracts to reach 2.2 million pounds per year and would help justify the build-out at Shirley Basin.
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About Ur-Energy Inc.
Ur-Energy is a uranium mining company operating the Lost Creek in-situ recovery uranium facility in south-central Wyoming. The Company has produced, packaged, and shipped approximately 2.6 million pounds of U3O8 from Lost Creek since the commencement of operations. Ur-Energy has all major permits and authorizations to begin construction at Shirley Basin, the Company’s second in situ recovery uranium facility in Wyoming, and is in the process of obtaining remaining amendments to Lost Creek authorizations for expansion of Lost Creek. Ur‑Energy is engaged in uranium recovery and processing activities, including the acquisition, exploration, development, and operation of uranium mineral properties in the United States.
To know more about Ur-Energy Inc., click here
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