Terra Balcanica’s Aleksandar Miskovic on uncovering high-grade uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin

August 12, 2024 — In a recent interview with InvestorNews host Tracy Hughes, Aleksandar (Alex) Mišković, President, CEO, and Director of Terra Balcanica Resources Corp. (CSE: TERA), discussed Terra’s recently closed option agreement with Fulcrum Metals Plc., securing a 100% interest in nearly 600 km2 of highly prospective land for a uranium discovery in northern Saskatchewan. Mišković expressed enthusiasm for this acquisition, noting that it positions Terra Balcanica for significant exploration activities starting in September. “We are excited to approach it by applying the same level of technical rigor as we did in the Balkans,” Mišković stated, emphasizing the company’s commitment to uncovering high-grade uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin.

In addition to its Canadian assets, Terra Balcanica continues to explore a substantial portfolio in the Balkans, which includes high-grade silver in Bosnia and a promising gold-copper system in Serbia. The company is set to commence a 1,200-meter drilling program in Serbia to target these high-grade gold veins, with Mišković highlighting the potential for major discoveries. With a tightly controlled share structure and a management team holding a significant stake, Terra Balcanica aims to deliver a series of important news releases over the next few months, driven by ongoing fieldwork in both Saskatchewan and the Balkans.

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About Terra Balcanica Resources Corp.

Terra Balcanica is a polymetallic and energy metals exploration company targeting large-scale mineral systems in the Balkans of southeastern Europe and northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The Company has 90% interest in the Viogor-Zanik Project in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina and owns 100% of the Ceovishte mineral exploration licence in southern Serbia. The Canadian assets comprise a 100% optioned portfolio of uranium-prospective licences at the outskirts of the world-renowned Athabasca basin: Charlot-Neely Lake, Fontaine Lake, Snowbird, and South Pendleton. The Company emphasizes responsible engagement with local communities and stakeholders. It is committed to proactively implementing Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) and sustainable health, safety, and environmental management.

To learn more about Terra Balcanica Resources Corp., click here

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