Frédéric Dugré on why H2O Innovation’s Q3 2021 Financial Results were “the best quarter ever announced”

In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky speaks with Frédéric Dugré, President and CEO of H2O Innovation Inc. (TSXV: HEO | OTCQX: HEOFF) about how H2O’s Q3 2021 financial results provided “…the best quarter ever announced” and why “…water is the right space to invest in”.

In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Frédéric also discusses the significance of H2O winning two new projects and four contract renewals in North America and how they are positioned to potentially benefit from President Biden’s US$111B water infrastructure plan. Further to his Q3 2021 update, Frédéric provides an update on how H2O has increased efforts in the North American water reuse market and is continuing to expand in Latin America. With 7 financial analysts following H2O, Frédéric shares more on how the ESG investment community benefits from investing in clean water.

To watch the full interview, click here

About H2O Innovation Inc.

H2O Innovation designs and provides state-of-the-art, custom-built and integrated water treatment solutions based on membrane filtration technology for municipal, industrial, energy and natural resources end-users. The Corporation’s activities rely on three main pillars. The first one is Water Technologies and Services and includes all types of projects as well as digital solutions (IntelogxTM and Clearlogx®) to monitor and optimize water treatment plants. H2O Innovation’s second pillar, Specialty Products, includes a complete line of maple equipment and products, specialty chemicals, consumables and specialized products for the water industry, through H2O Innovation Maple, PWT, Genesys and Piedmont. The Corporation is now exporting his specialty products in more than 75 countries. Finally, H2O Innovation operates, maintains, and repairs water and wastewater treatment systems, distribution equipment and associated assets for all of its clients and ensures that water quality meets regulatory requirements, through the third pillar – Operation and Maintenance. Together, they employ nearly 470 employees for the operation of more than 275 utilities in two Canadian provinces and twelve US states, mainly on the US Gulf coast, Southeast, Northeast (New England) and the West Coast.

To learn more about H2O Innovation Inc., click here

Disclaimer: H2O Innovation Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

This interview, which was produced by InvestorIntel Corp. (IIC) does not contain, nor does it purport to contain, a summary of all the material information concerning the Company” being interviewed. IIC offers no representations or warranties that any of the information contained in this interview is accurate or complete. 

This presentation may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation.  Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and assumptions of management of the Company as of the date made. They are inherently susceptible to uncertainty and other factors that could cause actual events/results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements. Additional risks and uncertainties, including those that the Company does not know about now or that it currently deems immaterial, may also adversely affect the Company’s business or any investment therein.

Any projections given are principally intended for use as objectives and are not intended, and should not be taken,  as assurances that the projected results will be obtained by the Company. The assumptions used may not prove to be accurate and a potential decline in the Company’s financial condition or results of operations may negatively impact the value of its securities. Prospective investors are urged to review the Company’s profile on and to carry out independent investigations in order to determine their interest in investing in the Company.

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