David Morgan on PDAC 2021 and how to make a killing with silver
In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Peter Clausi speaks with David Morgan of The Morgan Report about silver, the silver market and even discuss the reasons behind the difference in price between paper silver and physical silver.
In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), David went on to say there is a “short squeeze” in the silver market as “there is not enough product to meet the demand” for the physical silver. He stressed the importance of silver in day-to-day technology and highlighted the importance of recycling. David said that he anticipates silver prices to go up. “One day the physical silver market will take over the paper price….” To watch the complete interview, click here
Or to subscribe to The Morgan Report, click here: You Can Make a Killing Even In These Uncertain Markets (themorganreport.com)
To access InvestorChannel’s daily Silver Watchlist of the top 20 silver companies that David Morgan has selected for us to watch in the public markets, go to Silver – InvestorChannel