InvestorIntel Publisher Chris Thompson with Silver Bullet Mines’ Peter Clausi on the “world’s latest silver producer”

In this InvestorIntel interview during PDAC 2023, Chris Thompson talks to Silver Bullet Mines Corp.’s (TSXV: SBMI | OTCQB: SBMCF) VP Capital Markets and Director Peter Clausi about resuming production at their 125 MTPD (metric tonnes per day) mill near Globe, Arizona. Providing an update on their recent assay results with high grade silver at 270 ounces per ton, Peter discusses how Silver Bullet Mines is the “world’s latest silver producer.”

During this in-depth interview, Peter also provides s a substantial update on the Silver Bullet Mines’ Washington Mine in Idaho.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here.

About Silver Bullet Mines Corp.

Silver Bullet Mines Corp. is a silver and copper exploration and development company with projects in the western USA. Their flagship project is the Black Diamond, close to 5,000 acres in the Miami-Globe copper camp and centered on the Richmond Basin. The basin is the site of the original 1870s native silver discoveries that brought prospectors to the now significant Globe copper camp. The story goes that a scouting party was fired upon by Apache Indians using bullets made of hammered native silver. Thus inspiring the company name – Silver Bullet Mines. The Richmond Basin is the location of several historic high grade silver-copper mines including: McMorris, La Plata, Helena, Silver Sevens, Buckeye and numerous associated prospects. Little work or extraction came from this area since the early 20th century as the camp focused on big copper mines. But these mine anchor this section of what is called the Arizona Silver Belt that extends from the famous Silver King near Superior, AZ and parallels the trend of the major copper deposits including the Magma mine. They believe the high grade silver is still there waiting for discovery.

To know more about Silver Bullet Mines Corp., click here

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