Romios Gold’s Stephen Burega Highlights Strategic Nevada Partnership with Star Gold at PDAC 2025

March 11, 2025 — Romios Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: RG | OTCQB: RMIOF) has made a bold strategic move at PDAC 2025, announcing a transformative partnership with Star Gold Corp. (OTCQB: SRGZ), positioning itself as the largest shareholder and active management participant of Star Gold. In an exclusive interview with host Tracy Hughes, Romios CEO Stephen Burega highlighted this strategic alignment, emphasizing, “It’s a great opportunity for Romios to really bring these Nevada assets forward.” Under the partnership, Romios will contribute its promising Kinkaid and Scosa projects, becoming Star Gold’s largest shareholder with a 60% stake prior to financing. Burega described the Kinkaid project as “extremely exciting,” noting surface samples returning results of up to 12% copper and identifying over 30 historical mining operations on-site, underscoring the property’s significant exploration potential.

Burega explained that the Scosa property, another key asset transferred to Star Gold, represents substantial potential due to its history as a high-grade producing mine until 1941. Detailing its geological prospects, he described Scosa as an “epithermal stacked vein system” that previously averaged over one ounce per tonne of gold, highlighting substantial untapped potential, especially given that “similar deposits in the region were typically mined to depths of around 1,200 ft.” Romios is keen to leverage Star Gold’s infrastructure and expertise to rapidly advance these projects, aligning well with Star Gold’s existing Longstreet project, which is nearing production readiness following environmental permitting and pre-production development.

This transaction strategically positions Romios Gold within a highly sought-after niche in the resource market—gold-copper plays in Nevada. CEO Stephen Burega expressed optimism about investor interest, noting significant enthusiasm at PDAC 2025, with both Romios and Star Gold shareholders actively engaging at their booth. Burega underlined the broader appeal and market rationale of the venture, asserting, “Right now I think a pure gold or resource play in Nevada makes a lot of sense,” and emphasized the strategic advantage of leveraging Star Gold’s “existing near-term production Longstreet property” alongside Romios’ assets. This partnership positions Romios Gold advantageously to attract investors seeking exposure to high-potential, near-production assets in Nevada.

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About Romios Gold Resources Inc.

Romios Gold Resources Inc. is a progressive Canadian mineral exploration company engaged in precious- and base-metal exploration, focused primarily on gold, copper and silver. It has a 100% interest in the Lundmark-Akow Lake Au-Cu property plus 4 additional claim blocks in northwestern Ontario and extensive claim holdings covering several significant porphyry copper-gold prospects in the “Golden Triangle” of British Columbia. Additional interests include the Kinkaid claims in Nevada covering numerous Au-Ag-Cu workings, and two former producers: the Scossa mine property (Nevada) which is a former high-grade gold producer and the La Corne molybdenum mine property (Quebec). The Company retains an ongoing interest in several properties including a 2% NSR on McEwen Mining’s Hislop gold property in Ontario; a 2% NSR on Enduro Metals’ Newmont Lake Au-Cu-Ag property in BC, and the Company has signed a definitive agreement with Copperhead Resources Inc. (“Copperhead”) whereby Copperhead can acquire a 75% ownership interest in Romios’ Red Line Property in BC.

To learn more about Romios Gold Resources Inc., click here

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