Peter Nicholson of WEALTH (WCPD Inc.) on Setting a Record with $100 Million Charity Flow-Through (CFT) Financing for Skeena Resources

September 16, 2024 — In a recent interview with Tracy Hughes of Investor.News, Peter Nicholson, Founder and President of WEALTH (WCPD Inc.), shared insights into his company’s latest achievement: a record-breaking $100 million charity flow-through financing deal. Nicholson explained that charity flow-through shares, a structured form of flow-through financing, offer substantial tax advantages to investors by allowing them to donate stock without paying capital gains tax. He noted that the Canadian government introduced this structure in 2006 to encourage charitable donations and incentivize investment in the junior mining sector. Nicholson emphasized, “We are de-risking a very volatile junior mining investment by selling it to a third-party liquidity provider,” enabling investors to benefit without taking on excessive risk.

This particular $100 million deal, which was part of a larger $1 billion financing for Skeena Resources Ltd. (TSX: SKE | NYSE: SKE) in British Columbia’s Golden Triangle, represents a significant milestone for WEALTH. Nicholson highlighted that this financing is specifically targeted at Canadian development expenses (CDE) and is expected to aid in the development of Skeena’s mining operations. “The $100 million CDE was a record,” he remarked, adding that this surpasses previous records in the space and reflects WEALTH’s leadership in flow-through transactions. Nicholson also mentioned that WEALTH has facilitated over 720 structured flow-through deals since its inception, underscoring the firm’s dominant position in the market.

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About WCPD Inc.

WEALTH is a leading exempt market dealer offering financing for Canadian resource and mineral exploration. We are dedicated to arranging the subscription, donation and sale of flow-through share private placements through our national network of institutional investors. Since 2006, our flow-through share financings have resulted in more than 650 private placements with over 150 issuers.

The impact on junior mining has also been profound – our firm alone has generated over $1 billion in flow-through financing for these fledgling companies. WEALTH is proud to play a role in our resource industry. In addition to contributing over $100 billion to our annual GDP, it continues to be a major source of employment in Canada. In fact, the sector directly and indirectly employs more than 700,000 Canadians, while serving as the top employer of Indigenous Peoples. Junior mining exploration is also essential to Canada’s Critical Mineral Strategy, as we seek energy independence and shift to a more green economy.

To learn more about WCPD Inc., click here.

Disclaimer: WCPD Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorNews Inc.

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