Peekaboo Beans’ Traci Costa on building a long-term high-quality brand for children

“Great brands take time to build. They don’t happen overnight. My mission with Peekaboo Beans has always been about creating a long-term high-quality valuable brand for children. We have gone through a lot of change and that is because of the retail environment. Now we are at a place where we are happy in this environment and the distribution model we have now. We have a fantastic brand, powerful mission, incredible product, 38% customer returning rate. Our numbers are off the chart right now as far as our growth and website visitors are concerned. Growth in the US is up 5% over last year. All of our metrics are pointing in the right direction. We are finally excited to launch our subscription box which is a transmedia augmented reality subscription box that is a storybook adventure. We are thrilled to be launching that next month…” States Traci Costa, President and CEO of Peekaboo Beans Inc. (CSE: BEAN), in an interview with InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky.

Traci went on to say that Peekaboo Beans just reported record quarterly sales in Q1 F2020, an increase of 229% from Q4 2019 and an increase of 21% over the same period last year. Traci also provided an update on Peekaboo Beans’ vintage buyback program. Most of the textile wastes end up in landfills. She said that Peekaboo Beans creates high-quality products that are designed to last and the company will buy back its products and resell them to keep it out of the landfills.

To access the complete interview, click here

Disclaimer: Peekaboo Beans Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.