Chris Berlet on Stakeholder Gold’s Ballarat Project and Plans to Build Revenue from the Quartzite Business in Brazil

In a recent InvestorNews interview with host Tracy Weslosky, Stakeholder Gold Corp.’s (TSXV: SRC) President, CEO, and Director Chris Berlet discussed significant developments at their Ballarat Project located in the White Gold District of the Yukon Territory and an update on their profitable blue quartzite quarry business in Brazil.

Chris emphasized Ballarat Project’s large gold anomalies, extending over a 3.2 kilometer in strike length which is 4-5 times the original footprint of the nearby Golden Saddle Deposit, currently holding a mineral resource of about 1-1.5 million ounces of gold. The absence of arsenic in the Ballarat Project’s Skye Zone, makes it a compelling prospect for a substantial and economically viable gold discovery.

Chris also addressed the company’s tight share structure, noting that there are currently 13.1 million shares outstanding. Further to this, Chris explains that Stakeholder has a profitable blue quartzite quarry business in Brazil that provides cash flow, allowing them to maintain this exceedingly tight capital market structure.. Chris revealed their ambitious plans to quadruple the scale of this quarry business within the next six months, a move that is expected to significantly bolster the company’s cash flow.

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About Stakeholder Gold Corp.

Cash Flow

Stakeholder Gold Corp. (TSXV: SRC) generates cash flow with the sale of exotic blue quartzite from its wholly owned Brazilian subsidiary, Victoria Mining Corporation (“VMC”).  Cash flow received from blue quartzite sales permits Stakeholder to restrict treasury share issuance and protects company shareholders from dilution.

Exploration Upside

Stakeholder Gold also holds a 100% interest in the Ballarat Gold Project located in the heart of the White Gold District of the Yukon Territory (Canada). The Ballarat Gold Project covers 18,741 hectares of ground situated directly north of the Newmont Corp. (NYSE: NEM) Coffee Mine Project, and south, west and east of the White Gold Corp. (TSX-V: WGO) White Gold Project.

To learn more about Stakeholder Gold Corp., click here

Disclaimer: Stakeholder Gold Corp. is an advertorial member of InvestorNews Inc.

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