ZEN Graphene’s Dr Francis Dube on the ZENGuardTM enhanced surgical masks and the development of a new fuel additive


In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky speaks with Dr. Francis Dube, Executive Chairman of ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd. (TSXV: ZEN) about ZEN’s recent milestones including the successful inhalation safety testing of the ZENGuardTM  enhanced surgical masks and the development of a new fuel additive.

In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Dr. Dube starts by explaining the impact of the ZENGuardTM  enhanced surgical masks and submission to Health Canada news release. He discusses how their market is with the medical industry and how this demand will only grow.

Equally as interesting to host Tracy was the potential to attract ESG funds with the new fuel additive announcement. Francis explains that ZEN has developed a stable diesel fuel additive, which increased the performance of diesel fuel by up to 10% in initial testing. He states that “If we can make diesel fuel 10-20% better we are going to have a significant impact on the amount of emissions…we think we can make a difference from an environmental standpoint.”

To watch the full interview, click here

About ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd.

ZEN is a next-gen nanomaterials technology company developing and commercializing technologies that help protect people and the environment. ZEN is currently focused on commercializing ZEN Guard TM , a patent pending graphene-based coating with 99% antimicrobial activity, including against COVID-19, and the potential to use similar graphene compounds as pharmaceutical products against infectious diseases. The company has a significant R&D pipeline with an interest in monomers, polymers, metal alloys, corrosion coatings, biosensors along with the production of graphene oxide and graphene quantum dots. Additionally, the company owns the unique Albany Graphite Project which provides the company with a potential competitive advantage in the graphene market. Labs in Japan, UK, Israel, USA, and Canada have independently demonstrated that ZEN’s Albany Pure TM Graphite is an ideal precursor material that easily converts (exfoliates) to graphene, using a variety of mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical methods.

To learn more about ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd., click here

Disclaimer: ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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