In this InvestorIntel interview during PDAC 2023, Chris Thompson talks with Robert (“Bobby”) Stewart, Founder and Managing Director, and Michael Thomsen of Geophysx Jamaica Ltd. about its gold-copper porphyry and rare earths discoveries in Jamaica.
Bobby describes Geophysics Jamaica as a private company that is exploring Jamaica and has discovered some geological anomalies on the island.
He adds that the Company has about 4,000 square kilometers of licenses, including a 100 square kilometer of a rare earths anomaly in the southwestern corner of the island, which was recently announced.
This year, he says that Geophysx Jamaica will be bringing in a sonic drill so that they can drill deeper in some of the areas as previously drilling only went down approximately 20 meters and did not hit the basement of the mineralization. He also mentions plans to test a copper-gold anomaly on another project on the island.
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About Geophysx Jamaica Ltd.
Geophysx Jamaica is an exploration junior searching locally for greenfield mineral discoveries, focused on Copper, Gold, and Rare Earth Metals. It is engaged in the most technologically comprehensive campaign in the history of the country. In a little over 5 years, the company has covered most of the island, including over 30,000 geochemical assays to date, and thousands of line kilometers of airborne geophysics. It has employed local graduate geologists into exploration teams and brought in expert explorationists from around the world to enhance its expertise. The company is founded and operated on sustainable principles – in how it operates in the local communities, and how it conducts its exploration activities.
To learn more about Geophysx Jamaica Ltd., click here.
Disclaimer: Geophysx Jamaica Ltd. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.
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