Greg Fenton Discusses Zentek’s 2024 Progress and Exclusive Aptamer Technology Rights


In a detailed interview with Tracy Weslosky, Greg Fenton, CEO and Director of Zentek Ltd. (NASDAQ: ZTEK | TSXV: ZEN), shared insights into the company’s strategic progress and emerging opportunities, particularly emphasizing its work with aptamer technology. With an exclusive global license for innovative Aptamer-based platform technology developed by McMaster University, Zentek is pioneering advances in both diagnostic and therapeutic applications, underscoring its dedication to healthcare innovation. The company has made notable breakthroughs in COVID-19 therapeutics with its C19HBA aptamer, showing significant promise in preclinical trials by outperforming leading monoclonal antibodies. This success has paved the way for Phase 1 clinical trials for COVID-19 and exploration into other areas such as oncology, immunology, and neurology.

Fenton highlighted the positive reception from major pharmaceutical companies, reflecting a broad industry interest in Zentek’s aptamer technology. Additionally, Zentek’s ZenGUARD™ technology platform, known for its 99-percent anti-microbial activity, has been instrumental in enhancing the bacterial and viral filtration efficiency of surgical masks and HVAC systems. A recent study on ZenGUARD™ Enhanced Air Filters revealed its potential to offer significant energy, emission, and cost savings for commercial buildings, showcasing a scalable solution for improving indoor air quality and addressing climate change.

Throughout the conversation, Fenton articulated Zentek’s ambitious plans for partnerships and expansion, leveraging the favorable market conditions to boost the company’s visibility and impact. His vision for Zentek includes strategic partnerships, leveraging its proprietary technology, and a commitment to revolutionizing the approach to managing infectious diseases and enhancing environmental sustainability.

To access the complete interview, click here

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About Zentek Ltd.

Zentek is an ISO 13485:2016 certified intellectual property technology company focused on the research, development and commercialization of novel products seeking to give the Company’s commercial partners a competitive advantage by making their products better, safer, and greener.

Zentek’s patented technology platform ZenGUARD™, is shown to have 99-per-cent anti-microbial activity and to significantly increase the bacterial and viral filtration efficiency of both surgical masks and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems. Zentek’s ZenGUARD™ production facility is located in Guelph, Ontario.

Zentek, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Triera Biosciences Ltd., has a global exclusive license to the Aptamer-based platform technology developed by McMaster University, which is being jointly developed by Zentek and McMaster for both the diagnostic and therapeutic markets.

The Company is not making any express or implied claims that its aptamer technology has the ability to eliminate, cure or contain COVID-19 (or the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus) at this time.

To learn more about Zentek Ltd., click here

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One response

  1. Robert Avatar

    Do we know how long it took PRMA to approve the masks which have the same ZenGuard covering as the HVAC filters?

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