Predictmedix’s Dr. Rahul Kushwah on using AI to solve real world problems


Using artificial intelligence to mass screen for COVID-19

“It’s about the different verticals that we are addressing with Predictmedix,” says Dr. Rahul Kushwah, Co-Founder and COO of Predictmedix Inc. (CSE: PMED | OTCQB: PMEDF). “We are an artificial intelligence company and we are solving real-world problems.”

In an interview with InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky, Dr.  Kushwah explains three of their vertical markets: “COVID-19 pandemic, we are all in the midst of it and we have a technology which is to mass screen for COVID-19. Similarly, impairment is a big issue when it comes to workplace and law enforcement and we have a solution for that. And the third vertical is mental illnesses. $300 billion spent in the US last year and there is so much subjectivity that goes into diagnosis and we are developing a solution to diagnose mental illnesses.”

“We have developed modules which look like metal detectors,” Dr.  Kushwah continued. “You walk through these modules and on the other end you have a green or red light. If someone is identified to be positive for COVID-19 symptoms a red light goes off – if not then you get a green light.” He continued, “it is a tool that you can use for mass screening in airports, transit hubs, malls, office building, government buildings, or anywhere you can imagine where you have big flow of people.” Dr. Kushwah also discusses the pitfalls of current telehealth and telemedicine platforms, and Predictmedix’s innovative solutions.

To access the complete interview, click here

Disclaimer: Predictmedix Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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