Auxico Resources’ Pierre Gauthier on being the first NA company to commercially produce and sell monazite into the world market

Pierre Gauthier, Chairman and CEO of Auxico Resources Canada Inc. (CSE: AUAG) recently spoke with InvestorIntel’s Byron W. King about Auxico’s just licensed patent for ultrasonic disintegration process technology. This technology allows a rapid decrease in the time, temperature, and pressure necessary to crack hard rock ores and extract valuable minerals by disintegrating the ores without the need for extensive crushing and grinding. The ultrasonic process allows a high level of extraction efficiency by greatly increasing the surface area to volume ratio of the minerals to allow rapid leaching out of the payable metals. Pierre emphasized the broad application by Auxico of this ultrasonic technology. In particular, it has allowed class-leading rapid high-level extraction of nickel and of rare earths from their ores. This saves water, energy, and most of all, time, which, of course, reduces costs.

Pierre went on to say that Auxico has also developed a new simplified chemical process for removing the radioactive elements from the very rich in magnetic rare earths mineral, monazite, after it has been treated ultrasonically. Auxico, he continued, has located monazite bearing mineral sands in Columbia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as well as monazite rich residues from tin mining in Brazil, Bolivia, and the DRC. It will treat them ultrasonically, where necessary, to improve and facilitate the removal of radioactive thorium and uranium and their safe disposal in the countries of origin in order to be able to ship the monazite for extraction and separation into individual rare earths in a plant to be constructed in Quebec or the USA.

Auxico’s monazite from the DRC is low enough in thorium and uranium so that the mineral can be shipped out of the country without processing. Pierre finally pointed out that Auxico has already sold and shipped 100 tons of monazite from its DRC operation to a customer in Asia.  Auxico plans to ramp up the shipments from the DRC to 1000 tons per month by the end of 2022.

This makes Auxico the first Canadian company to commercially produce and sell monazite into the world market. As Byron W. King said, “This has been a fabulous interview.”

To access the complete interview, click here

About Auxico Resources Canada Inc.

Auxico Resources Canada Inc. is a Canadian company that was founded in 2014 and based in Montreal. Auxico is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

To learn more about Auxico Resources Canada Inc., click here

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2 responses

  1. rob dubeck Avatar
    rob dubeck

    What a great interview with Byron and Pierre about Auxico Resources. I own the stock and will be buying more. Recently with their share price drop I was wondering what was going on but am more encouraged. I also own Canada Rare earth Corp who does the same thing as Auxico, they also are working in the Brazil tailings district near Auxico and just delivered their 1st shipment of concentrate of a 5 year supply agreement

  2. Tracy Weslosky Avatar
    Tracy Weslosky

    I agree. This was a simply outstanding interview. Thank you Byron.

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