Canada Silver Cobalt Works talks about their Castle Property with 7.5 million inferred oz silver


InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky talks with Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.’s (TSXV: CCW | OTCQB: CCWOF) CEO Frank Basa and President & COO Matthew Halliday about Canada Silver Cobalt Works’ Castle Property, located 85 kilometres northwest of Ontario’s historic Gowganda Cobalt silver mining camp.

“Since mining started at the camp, grades were known to be exceptionally high,” Frank said. “We’ll mine the asset for silver, and we will produce cobalt, nickel and copper for free. So, we can compete on a global scale.”

“Our new main resource at Gowganda is extremely exciting,” Matthew said. “We are the first company to put a 43-101 compliant in-situ resource in the whole Cobalt camp. We have a resource of 7.5 million ounces at over 8000 grams per ton inferred.” Matthew added, “When you compare to other places in the world, we are 10-20 times higher in grade than most camps in the world.”

To watch the complete interview, click here

Disclaimer: Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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