Chinese Dominance of Rare Earths Sets off Alarm Bells in Washington


In this episode of InvestorIntel’s Critical Minerals Corner with Jack Lifton, Jack talks about geopolitical issues with China and how regionalism is going to affect not just the interest and demand for rare earths, but for all critical minerals.

In this InvestorIntel video, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Jack went on to say that the Chinese dominance of the rare earths space has set off alarm bells not just in the US but also in EU and Canada. “I see the security of the supply of critical materials becoming a regional issue in this world,” he added. Jack highlighted that Canada is going ahead faster than the US in the critical materials space by developing several rare earths deposits for production and building the first full-scale rare earths separation plant in Saskatchewan.

To watch the full video, click here

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