Dr. Francis Dube on the advancement of mask technologies and ZEN’s graphene based virucidal ink with 99% efficacy

InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky speaks with Dr. Francis Dube, CEO and Director of ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd. (TSXV: ZEN), about ZEN’s novel graphene based virucidal ink. “We have come up with a coating that can be applied to masks and filter membranes to deactivate the COVID-19 virus,” Dr. Dube told InvestorIntel. “It has been proven at plus 99% efficacy through Western University’s ImPaKT facility which is a Biosafety Level 3 lab.”

In an InvestorIntel interview that can also be viewed on our InvestorIntel YouTube channel, Dr. Dube went on to say, while the current mask technologies are only meant to filter out particles, masks sprayed with ZEN’s graphene-based virucidal ink remains 99% effective in killing COVID-19 virus even after 35 days.

To watch the full interview, click here

To learn more about ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd., click here

Disclaimer: ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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