In this InvestorIntel interview, host Byron W. King interviews dynaCERT Inc.‘s (TSX: DYA | OTCQX: DYFSF) President, CEO, and Director Jim Payne about how dynaCERT recently launched an offering of up to $10,000,000 of Carbon Credit Convertible Notes under private placement exemptions in Canada. Providing an overview and update on how the Carbon Credits generated by dynaCERT’s proprietary HydraGEN™ Technology works, Jim explains how Carbon Credit Convertible Notes offer a way to raise capital that is non-dilutive for shareholders.
In this interview, Byron has Jim explain how dynaCERT’s proprietary HydraGEN™ Technology carbon emission reduction technology works and how it has been proven around the world. Jim adds that the carbon credits generated by HydraGEN™ Technology is data driven and is audited and certified by Verra — one of the largest carbon credits certifying body, Verra. This exploratory interview touches on the impact of the reduction of carbon emissions from the logistics industry (trucking) and how dynaCERT is well positioned for both growth and revenue potential.
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About dynaCERT Inc.
dynaCERT Inc. manufactures and distributes Carbon Emission Reduction Technology along with its proprietary HydraLytica™ Telematics, a means of monitoring fuel consumption and calculating GHG emissions savings designed for the tracking of possible future Carbon Credits for use with internal combustion engines. As part of the growing global hydrogen economy, our patented technology creates hydrogen and oxygen on-demand through a unique electrolysis system and supplies these gases through the air intake to enhance combustion, which has shown to lower carbon emissions and improve fuel efficiency. Our technology is designed for use with many types and sizes of diesel engines used in on-road vehicles, reefer trailers, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry equipment.
To know more about dynaCERT Inc., click here
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