Justin Cochrane on Carbon Streaming’s carbon credit streams and investment pipeline and uplisting to NASDAQ

In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky spoke with Justin Cochrane about Carbon Streaming Corporation’s (NEO: NETZ | OTCQB: OFSTF) focus on acquiring its high-quality portfolio of carbon credit streams and investments. Expanding on their 2022 strategic objectives, Justin touches on Carbon Streaming’s $200 million near-term potential pipeline of opportunities over the next 12-months “out of a total pipeline of $700 million.”

In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on the InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here to subscribe), Justin highlights plans to list Carbon Streaming on NASDAQ. Highlighting the growing interest in ESG directed investments, an increased focus on companies to reduce their carbon footprint, Justin explains how Carbon Streaming invests capital through carbon credit streaming arrangements with project developers and owners to accelerate the creation of carbon offset projects by bringing capital to projects that might not otherwise be developed.

To watch the full interview, click here

About Carbon Streaming Corporation:

Carbon Streaming is a unique ESG principled company offering investors exposure to carbon credits, a key instrument used by both governments and corporations to achieve their carbon neutral and net-zero climate goals. Our business model is focused on acquiring, managing and growing a high-quality and diversified portfolio of investments in projects and/or companies that generate or are actively involved, directly or indirectly, with voluntary and/or compliance carbon credits.

The Company invests capital through carbon credit streaming arrangements with project developers and owners to accelerate the creation of carbon offset projects by bringing capital to projects that might not otherwise be developed. Many of these projects will have significant social and economic co-benefits in addition to their carbon reduction or removal potential.

To learn more about Carbon Streaming Corporation, click here

Disclaimer: Carbon Streaming Corporation is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

This interview, which was produced by InvestorIntel Corp. (IIC) does not contain, nor does it purport to contain, a summary of all the material information concerning the “Company” being interviewed. IIC offers no representations or warranties that any of the information contained in this interview is accurate or complete.

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If you have any questions surrounding the content of this interview, please contact us at +1 416 792 8228 and/or email us direct at [email protected].

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