Edward Gosselin on the potential of Kobo Resources as a pivotal player in the gold-rich grounds of West Africa

In a comprehensive discussion at PDAC 2024, Edward Gosselin, CEO, Director, and Corporate Secretary of Kobo Resources Inc. (TSXV: KRI), shed light on the company’s strategic objectives and its recent advancements in gold exploration within Côte d’Ivoire, one of West Africa’s most prolific and developing gold districts, hosting several multi-million-ounce gold mines. Gosselin elucidated the company’s primary mission of showcasing their venture to prospective investors and operating companies, aiming to augment their capital for an expanded drill program. Emphasizing the concept of “closeology play,” Gosselin stated, “We’re less than 9 km away from one of the region’s largest gold mines with established processing facilities…it’s a no-brainer.” This strategic proximity underscores Kobo’s leverage in logistics and geological similarity, making it an attractive Brownfield project.

Kobo Resources Inc., with its 100%-owned Kossou Gold Project located near the capital city of Yamoussoukro and adjacent to the substantial Yaouré mine operated by Perseus Mining Limited (ASX: PRU | TSX: PRU), is poised for growth. The company’s focus on the Kossou Gold Project aims to delineate the potential size and scale of the discovery within a 9+ km strike length of highly prospective gold in soil geochemical anomalies. The completion of approximately 6,000 meters of RC drilling and 5,400 meters of trenching in 2023, with plans for further exploration in 2024, highlights significant gold mineralization within a potentially large mesothermal gold system. Christopher Ecclestone underscores the project’s strategic positioning in another InvestorNews interview with: “If Kobo strikes gold in commercial quantities, they’re going to be sort of a natural prey for Perseus to move upon to provide Perseus with extended mine life with Yaouré.”

The Kossou Gold Project’s promising initial exploration results and the upcoming Phase 2 Diamond Drilling in March 2024 signal the project’s vast potential. With a keen emphasis on rigorous exploration and the allure of significant gold anomalies, Kobo Resources Inc. represents a compelling investment opportunity, underscored by a seasoned leadership team with extensive in-country experience. The company’s strategic location and exploration prowess underscore its potential as a pivotal player in the gold-rich grounds of West Africa.

To access the complete interview, click here

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About Kobo Resources Inc.

Kobo Resources is a growth-focused gold exploration company with a compelling new gold discovery in Côte d’Ivoire, one of West Africa’s most prolific and developing gold districts. The Company’s 100%-owned Kossou Gold Project is located approximately 20 km northwest of the capital city of Yamoussoukro and is directly adjacent to one of the region’s largest gold mines with established processing facilities.

The Company is drilling to unlock the potential size and scale of Kossou within 9+ km strike length of highly prospective gold in soil geochemical anomalies with excellent rock and trench sampling results. The Company completed ~6,000 m of RC drilling and ~5,400 m of trenching in 2023 and is planning on additional drilling and trenching in 2024. Significant gold mineralisation has been identified at three main targets within a 300 m wide, 2+ km long, pervasively altered structural corridor defining a potentially large mesothermal gold system. Kobo offers investors the exciting combination of high-quality gold prospects led by an experienced leadership team with in-country experience.

To know more about Kobo Resources Inc., click here

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