Jim Engdahl on MAS Gold’s initiative to gain control of the La Ronge Gold Belt of Saskatchewan

In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky interviews MAS Gold Corp.’s (TSXV: MAS) CEO and Director Jim Engdahl about Mas Gold’s initiative to gain control of the prospective La Ronge Gold Belt of Saskatchewan.

Congratulating Jim on the Comstock Metals Ltd and MAS Gold Corp. complete sale of preview SW Property on March 31, 2022 (click here), they also discuss the recent completion of drilling on their 100% owned North Lake Deposit on March 08, 2022 (click here).

With over one million ounces of historical resources, click here to view the entire interview.

About MAS Gold Corp.

MAS Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on gold exploration projects in the prospective La Ronge Gold Belt of Saskatchewan.  MAS Gold operates four properties in the belt, including the Preview-North, Greywacke Lake, Elizabeth Lake and Henry Lake Properties that extend along segments totaling roughly 60 kilometres of the geologically prospective La Ronge, Kisseynew and Glennie Domains that make up the La Ronge Gold Belt.

MAS Gold’s current projects include the North Lake, Greywacke North, Bakos (Contact Lake) and Point gold deposits and the historically defined Elizabeth Lake copper-gold volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposit within four properties totalling 34,703.4 hectares (85,753.8 acres).

The North Lake deposit located at the Preview-North Property is estimated to contain an Inferred Mineral Resource of 18,100,000 t grading 0.85 g/t Au, hence 494,000 contained ounces of gold (Godden, S, Thomas, D. Tupper, D. Technical Report on the Mineral Resource Updates, North Lake and Greywacke North Gold Projects, La Ronge Gold Belt, Saskatchewan, Canada.; effective date December 1, 2021)*.  The Technical Report about the updated Mineral Resource estimate was filed on SEDAR January, 12, 2022.

The Greywacke North deposit, which hosts multiple known stratabound, high-grade gold-bearing zones, has an updated, combined open pit and underground Indicated Mineral Resource of 645,000 t averaging 4.90 g/t Au for 101,000 insitu ounces of gold (600,000 t at 4.89 g/t Au, and 45,000t at 5.03 g/t Au, respectively), plus a combined open pit and underground Inferred Mineral Resource of 410,000 t averaging 4.12 g/t Au for 55,000 insitu ounces of gold (35,000 t at 1.97 g/t Au, and 375,000 t at 4.33 g/t Au, respectively). The Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources were estimated using open pit and underground cut-off grades of 0.65 g/t Au and 1.75 g/t Au, respectively (Godden, S, Thomas, D. Tupper, D. Technical Report on the Mineral Resource Updates, North Lake and Greywacke North Gold Projects, La Ronge Gold Belt, Saskatchewan, Canada.; effective date December 1, 2021). The Technical Report about the updated Mineral Resource estimate was filed on SEDAR January 12, 2022.

To learn more about MAS Gold Corp., click here

Disclaimer: MAS Gold Corp. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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