Last week during PDAC 2020, InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky had the opportunity to secure an update on West Red Lake Gold Mines Inc. (CSE: RLG | OTCQB: RLGMF) from Executive Chairman Tom Meredith.
Tom started by saying that because of the coronavirus outbreak interest rates are going down and when interest rates go down gold price goes up. He said that it is going to be very beneficial for gold over the coming months and capital is flowing into the gold sector. Tom also provided an update on West Red Lake Gold’s drill results announced on January 15, 2020. He said that the company already has a NI 43-101 deposit with about a million ounces of gold. The drill results were from a new deposit nearby which has good potential and the company has put out some very good drill results from the deposit.
To access the complete interview, click here
Disclaimer: West Red Lake Gold Mines Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.
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