Panther Metals PLC (LSE: PALM) is an exploration company listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. Panther is focussed on the discovery of commercially viable mineral deposits. The Company’s operational focus is on established mining jurisdictions with the capacity for project scalability. Drill targets are assessed rapidly utilising a combination of advanced technologies and extensive geological data to decipher potential commercial viability and act accordingly. Panther’s current geological portfolio comprises of three highly prospective properties in Ontario, Canada.
Panther Metals PLC

Critical Minerals Institute Official Member
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InvestorNews Features on Panther Metals PLC
Pat Bolland with Panther Metals’ Darren Hazelwood on one of the top graphite intercepts in the world
May 17, 2024 — InvestorNews host Pat Bolland interviews Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther Metals PLC (LSE: PALM), discussing…
InvestorTalk Alert: Darren Hazelwood from Panther Metals PLC to host on Tuesday, May 7, 2024
InvestorNews is pleased to announce an upcoming InvestorTalk scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7th, at 9 AM EST,…
Jack Lifton with Darren Hazelwood on Panther Metals Marking One of the Top Graphite Intercepts Globally
April 30, 2024 — In a recent interview with Jack Lifton of InvestorNews, Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther…
Darren Hazelwood on Panther Metals’ VMS Project Scale and the Graphite Potential Near Thunder Bay
In a compelling interview at PDAC 2024, InvestorNews host Peter Clausi engaged with Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther…
Jack Lifton and Panther Metals Darren Hazelwood on the “greenstone belt for VMS deposits” in Canada
In this Investor.Coffee interview with world renowned critical minerals expert and Critical Minerals Institute (CMI) Co-Chairman Jack Lifton, Darren…
Darren Hazelwood Discusses Panther’s Substantial Land Package and VMS, Graphite Prospects in the Greenstone Belt
In an Investor.Coffee interview with Peter Clausi, Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther Metals PLC (LSE: PALM), discussed the…
Darren Hazelwood, CEO, of Panther Metals PLC discusses the upside of his mineral exploration company
In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky spoke with Darren Hazelwood, CEO of Panther Metals PLC (LSE: PALM) about discovering…