Quantum eMotion’s Dr. Francis Bellido on the Role of Cybersecurity in Quantum Technologies in 2025

December 30, 2024 — In a revealing interview with Investor.News host Tracy Hughes, Francis Bellido, PhD, President, CEO, and Director of Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC | OTCQB: QNCCF), delved into the effects of Donald Trump’s election on the quantum technology sector and its resultant impact on the company’s share price. Dr. Bellido expressed, “Part of it, obviously, is the election itself where the President showed strong interest in pushing cryptocurrencies… and with that, quantum technology is becoming very important.” He further emphasized the momentum gained from significant technological advancements, such as Google’s development of their new quantum chip, Willow, heralding the accelerated arrival of quantum computing.

Additionally, Dr. Bellido highlighted the pivotal strategic alliances formed by Quantum eMotion Corp., particularly with GreyBox Solutions and Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD). This partnership focuses on the Sentry-Q platform, which bolsters cybersecurity within the telemedicine sector, a critical area especially amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Bellido elucidated the crucial role of this platform, stating, “Our platform, which we developed, is quantum safe, designed to securely transmit highly sensitive and valuable patient information.” This ensures robust data protection and treatment accuracy, crucial for patient trust and the effective management of remote patient monitoring systems.

Looking ahead, Dr. Bellido anticipates 2025 to be a landmark year for quantum technologies. He remarked, “By the way, the next year, 2025, it’s going to be the year for Quantum Technologies,” highlighting the accelerated developmental pace and the imminent transformative impact of quantum computing across industries. This projection underscores the readiness of the sector to embrace significant technological shifts, particularly in areas like cybersecurity, where quantum advancements will play a critical role.

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About Quantum eMotion Corp.

The Company aims to address the growing demand for affordable hardware and software security for connected devices. QeM has become a pioneering force in classical and quantum cybersecurity solutions thanks to its patented Quantum Random Number Generator, a security solution that exploits the built-in unpredictability of quantum mechanics and promises to provide enhanced protection for high-value assets and critical systems.

The Company intends to target highly valued Financial Services, Healthcare, Blockchain Applications, Cloud-Based IT Security Infrastructure, Classified Government Networks and Communication Systems, Secure Device Keying (IOT, Automotive, Consumer Electronics) and Quantum Cryptography.

To learn more about Quantum eMotion Corp., click here

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