StageZero Saliva PCR Test, a potential game changer for replacing the nasal probe

Nobody likes a COVID-19 nasal swab test that pushes a probe way up into your nose nearly reaching your brain. StageZero Life Sciences Ltd. (TSX: SZLS) (‘StageZero’) has released a COVID-19 saliva PCR test in the USA which is so much more easier and more comfortable to do. It can even be mailed to you and done at your home.

In news just released yesterday, StageZero released their new COVID-19 Saliva PCR test in the USA and Canada. Since May 2020, StageZero has been offering nasopharyngeal swab-based PCR tests and serology tests for COVID-19. The good news is that StageZero has now added a saliva test and will shortly introduce an antigen test and a full viral respiratory panel to its test offering. The test is FDA approved under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) clearance. All the patient has to do is simply fill a tube with their own saliva, label it, and send it to the StageZero lab for testing.

COVID-19 PCR test – Uncomfortable nasal swab versus simple saliva testing


Chairman and CEO of StageZero, James Howard-Tripp, says: “Every COVID testing lab, and Government, is striving to make testing more accessible and easier to do. Saliva as a specimen, done correctly, is scientifically as accurate as swabs but easier to collect and allows us to reach patients at home.”

Back in May when StageZero first introduced the nasal swab tests I wrote about the massive worldwide demand for COVID-19 testing. I quoted a report by Harvard University stating that the US needs to be able to test 5 million people per day to safely begin to reopen their economy by June 2020. That was when there were only 30,000 new cases per day in the USA.

Fast forward to today and there are now about 45,000 new COVID-19 cases per day in the US, and about 1 million new COVID-19 tests performed every day. But really the need for testing remains much higher.

US daily COVID-19 tests tracker by John Hopkins – About 1 million tests per day


StageZero will continue to offer a selection of COVID-19 testing summarized as:

  • Salvia PCR tests to detect the SARS-CoV-2 RNA and then sent to the StageZero Virginia lab for results processing. Ideal for very early stage detection.
  • Antigen testing for immediate results. This works by testing if a patient has developed antibodies to COVID-19. It is best for the rapid screening of symptomatic patients.
  • A Respiratory Panel PCR-based test for 18 viruses and two respiratory bacteria. It will screen for Influenza A, Influenza B, RSV and SARS-CoV-2 infection.

StageZero now offers a complete range of COVID-19 tests at a time when demand for testing is enormous. My view is that patient’s will be much more willing to undergo a saliva test than the previous nasal swab testing, as well as the possibility of completing a test from home. It is also much more suitable for people in remote areas.

Looking ahead in the very near term, StageZero will commence an offering with their revolutionary Aristotle® screening test for 10 cancers from a single sample of blood. You can read more about that here.

Following the recent share consolidation StageZero will now “prepare for a possible future listing on NASDAQ or other senior US stock exchange“.  Both of these events should be strong catalysts to help the stock price potentially move higher.

StageZero Life Sciences trades with a market cap of just C$41 million. Analyst’s consensus price target is C$4.00, so there is still plenty of potential upside ahead given the current stock price of C$0.84.

Disclaimer: Matt Bohlsen is a shareholder of StageZero Life Sciences Ltd. (TSX: SZLS)

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