In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky spoke with Brent Willis, President and CEO of Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (TSXV: VM) about Voyageur’s newly created Scientific Advisory Board of world-class leading physicians in the medical radiology industry, and about its going up against the monopoly in the barium sulfate medical radiology contrast media industry.
In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Brent Willis highlighted the lack of advancement in the imaging contrast industry and said that Voyageur’s Scientific Advisory Board will help create new innovative products, which will change the medical radiological contrast industry and will help detect diseases earlier. With only a few major players in the barium sulfate space internationally, Brent said that Voyageur plans to become the only fully integrated company in the barium sulfate space with its own source minerals, and will also vertically integrate itself in the iodine contrast space.
To watch the full interview, click here
About Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Voyageur is a Canadian public company listed on the TSXV under the trading symbol VM. Voyageur is focused on the development of barite and iodine Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (“API”) and high-performance cost-effective imaging contrast agents for the medical radiology marketplace. Voyageur’s goal is to initially generate positive cash flow from operations using third party GMP pharmaceutical manufacturers both in Canada and internationally. Ultimately, Voyageur has plans to build all the required infrastructure to become 100% self-sufficient in all phases of product manufacturing. Voyageur owns a 100% interest in three barium sulfate (barite) projects including the Frances Creek property, suitable in grade for the pharmaceutical barite marketplace, with additional interests in a high-grade iodine, lithium & bromine brine project located in Utah, USA.
Voyageur is moving forward with its business plan of becoming the only fully integrated company in the radiology contrast media medical field, by controlling all primary input costs under the motto of: “From the Earth to the Bottle”.
To learn more about Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd., click here
Disclaimer: Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.
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