Cam Currie of Canaccord Genuity talks about metals as a vital hedge against inflationary pressure

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In this InvestorIntel interview Tracy Weslosky talks to Cam Currie, Senior Investment Advisor at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management and the Principal, Currie Metals and Mining Group, who is among Canada’s top 150 investment advisors with 32 years’ experience in metals and mining.

In the interview, which can also be viewed in full on the InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here), Cam discusses the changing fundamentals of the current market. “We have been concentrating on focusing clients on metals and mining for a number of reasons,” he tells Tracy. “It’s a supply side issue and people don’t understand that there’s no money going to the ground. There are no projects coming on the pipeline and with the EV movement evolving, copper over time will do very, very well.”

As well Cam says that he is “very bullish on precious metals and I’ve actually been very much a crusader in the industry. I meet with the World Gold Council on a regular basis.” He observes that short-term gold prices have been artificially kept down because of the strength of the U.S. dollar, but he remains “extremely bullish – we’re adding to positions very aggressively.” He adds: “I have a basket of companies and again they range from seniors and mid-tiers to developers. I don’t play in the junior exploration grassroots because I think that’s just too high risk.”

Cam also talks about the opportunities and risks presented by the current inflationary environment, and how some of the world’s leading precious metals investment groups are positioning themselves to counter today’s risks in the bond/equity markets: “If you have a portfolio right now with a 60/40 bond-equity composition that’s not going to work for you going forward. You have to have a metals component to hedge against the uncertainties of that.”

About Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management

We are a boutique investment management firm with offices and Investment Advisors around the world, connected to global commerce and focused on deep client relationships. Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management is a full-service firm that leverages our unique approach to commerce and clients into insight-driven advantage and personalized solutions.

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One response

  1. Stephen Lautens Avatar
    Stephen Lautens

    We’re really pleased to talk to Cam Currie, one of the world’s leading experts in metals and mining investment strategies for his unique views on what stagflation means to precious and other metals in your portfolio.

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