Ucore’s Pat Ryan on creating a modern rare earths’ industrial processing company in North America

In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Jack Lifton spoke with Pat Ryan, Chairman and CEO of Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSXV: UCU | OTCQX: UURAF) about creating a modern rare earths’ industrial processing company in North America and about Ucore’s RapidSX™ technology for the separation and purification of rare earth elements.

In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Pat Ryan explained how he is using his experience as the founder of a multi-million-dollar automotive OEM production part supplier company to develop an independent North American rare earths supply chain for the electric vehicles market. He went on to provide an update on Ucore’s RapidSX™ platform with extraction rates 10 times the industry standard solvent-extraction process. Pat also provided an update on how Ucore is ensuring sufficient feedstock for its Alaska Strategic Metals Complex including a feedstock supply MOU signed with Vital Metals Limited (ASX: VML).

To watch the full interview, click here.

About Ucore Rare Metals Inc.

Ucore is focused on rare- and critical-metals resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore has a 100% ownership stake in the Bokan-Dotson Ridge Rare Earth Element Project in Southeast Alaska, USA. Ucore’s vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metals separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

Through strategic partnerships, Ucore’s vision includes disrupting the People’s Republic of China’s control of the US REE supply chain through the development of a total, light and heavy-rare-earth processing facility — the Alaska Strategic Metals Complex in Southeast Alaska and the long-term development of reliable sources of feedstocks outside of China’s control.

To learn more about Ucore Rare Metals Inc., click here.

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3 responses

  1. Dariusz Avatar

    And so Ucore will not be mining their own feed-stock for the foreseeable future. They also will have to use outside providers for metal alloy production. How much profit is there left for them in this setup? Might be hard to get this whole project within economic – profit making frame.

  2. Marie Avatar

    Haven’t they been working on this rapid sx tech for the last 10 years?

  3. joe o Avatar
    joe o

    ucore has been working on rapid SX last 1.5 years. Prior to that it was MRT but the company they “bought” took them to court for yrs so the whole thing unraveled. Rapid SX 3rd party results and commissioning of Commercial Demo plant should be happening within next few months. So a more clear answer should be know by end of 2022.

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