The Critical Minerals Institute’s Jack Lifton on Vital Metals, the SRC and Ionic Clays and Rare Earths

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In this InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky talks with Critical Minerals Institute’s (CMI) Co-Chairman Jack Lifton attempts to explain what Vital Metals Limited’s recent announcement about “pausing all construction-related activities at the Saskatoon processing facility” means. Clarifying and reinforcing what the Saskatoon Research Council (SRC) has stated online, we would like to redirect our audience to the SRC website where they state: “SRC wants to clarify that its Rare Earth Processing Facility currently under construction is on schedule and on budget and will be fully operational by the end of 2024.”

Jack also shares his insight on a column written by CMI Co-Chairman Ian Chalmers titled Are Ionic Adsorption Clay Deposits a Game-Changer for the Supply of Rare Earths. He then goes on to discuss Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.’s (“Appia”) (CSE: API | OTCQX: APAAF) recent acquisition of a Brazilian rare earths ionic clay project, Explaining that ionic clays can be a source of critical heavy rare earths, he explains how Appia may be the “only possible provider of this super critical material for the North American market.”

To access the full episode, click here.

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About The Critical Minerals Institute

The Critical Minerals Institute or CMI is an international organization for critical mineral companies and professionals focused on battery and technology materials, defense metals, and ESG technologies in the EV market. Offering a wide range of B2B service solutions, the Critical Minerals Institute hosts both online and in-person events designed for education, collaboration, and service solutions that address critical mineral challenges for a decarbonized economy.

To learn more about The Critical Minerals Institute, click here

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One response

  1. Alastair Avatar

    I like your comment clarifying the Vital Metal announcement. One question I have is why they do not do some upgrading at the site as shipping ore that distance cannot be cost effective. Also I agree that ionic clays can provide Tb and Dy needed for the high temperature performance magnets. Another option is Lynas’s Duncan deposit which has higher levels of Tb and Dy than Mt. Weld and they have US government support to build a plant in Texas, whose timeline I think will be faster than Appia.

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