Viscount Mining’s Jim MacKenzie with Chris Thompson on Rediscovering Silver, Gold, and Copper on its Nevada Properties

In a recent InvestorIntel Interview, Chris Thompson spoke with Jim MacKenzie, President, CEO and Director of Viscount Mining Corp. (TSXV: VML | OTCQX: VLMGF) about recent significant milestones achieved at Viscount’s high-grade gold and silver projects in Nevada.

In this InvestorIntel video, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), MacKenzie said that Viscount has two projects in the US “that can both be company builders on their own.” He continued by providing an update on Viscount’s Silver Cliff Project in Colorado, where they continue to hit high-grade silver very close to the surface. Jim also provided an update on the company’s Cherry Creek Project in Nevada where recently identified multiple gold, silver and base metal targets were located doubling the project’s active area of active operation.

To watch the full interview, click here

About Viscount Mining:

Viscount Mining is a project generator and an exploration company with a portfolio of silver and gold properties in the Western United States, including Silver Cliff in Colorado and Cherry Creek in Nevada.

The Cherry Creek exploration property is in an area commonly known as the Cherry Creek Mining District, located approximately 50 miles north of the town of Ely, White Pine County, Nevada. Cherry Creek consists of 562 unpatented and 17 patented claims as well as mill rights and is comprised of more than 7,011 hectares. Cherry Creek includes more than 20 past producing mines.

The Silver Cliff property in Colorado lies within the historic Hardscrabble Silver District in the Wet Mountain Valley, Custer County, south-central Colorado. It is located 44 miles WSW of Pueblo, Colorado, and has year-around access by paved road. The property consists of 96 claims on 944 hectares where high grade silver, gold and base metal production came from numerous mines during the period 1878 to the early 1900’s. The property underwent substantial exploration between 1967 and 1984.

The property is interpreted to encompass a portion of a large caldera and highly altered sequence of tertiary rhyolitic flows and fragmental units which offers potential to host deposits with both precious and base metals. This has been demonstrated in the mineralization historically extracted from the numerous underground and surface mining operations. Drilling in the 1980s by Tenneco resulted in a historical pre-feasibility study on which basis it was planned to bring the property to production. The plan was abandoned following takeover by another company.

To learn more about Viscount Mining Corp., click here

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