PDAC President Raymond Goldie Bolsters Toronto’s Status as Global Mining Investment Capital in Lead-Up to PDAC 2024

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In an enlightening conversation with InvestorNews host Tracy Weslosky, Raymond Goldie, President of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), unveiled details about the highly anticipated PDAC 2024 Convention. Scheduled for March 3-6, 2024, in Toronto, this event marks a continuation of PDAC’s legacy, now entering its 92nd year, as the premier global gathering for leaders, executives, government representatives, students, scientists, and enthusiasts in the mineral exploration and development sector. Goldie emphasized the convention’s significance, highlighting its role as the industry’s event-of-choice, reflecting PDAC’s longstanding influence and reach.

During his presidency, Raymond Goldie emphasized significant contributions in governance and policy updates as key achievements, setting the stage for PDAC to navigate future challenges effectively by securing access to essential resources like land, capital, and talent for its members. He also highlighted the transformative role of technology in mineral exploration, with innovations such as drones, advanced chemical analysis, and machine learning techniques revolutionizing the sector.

Looking ahead to PDAC 2024, Goldie shared his enthusiasm for what is poised to be an extraordinary event, occupying over 600,000 square feet across the Metro Toronto Convention Centre’s North and South Buildings, with additional special events at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel. This extensive setup underscores PDAC 2024 as one of the most significant milestones in the association’s history, reinforcing Toronto’s reputation as the world’s mining investment capital and Canada’s prominent position as the domicile for more than half of the global mining and exploration companies. To access the complete interview, click here

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About Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)

The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) is the leading voice of the mineral exploration and development community, an industry that supports 719,000 people in direct and indirect employment, and contributes $106 billion to Canada’s GDP every year. Representing over 6,000 members around the world, PDAC’s work centers on supporting a competitive, responsible, and sustainable mineral sector.

To learn more about PDAC, click here

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