Innovative cell therapy platforms have the potential to disrupt conventional cancer treatment
In an InvestorCoffee interview with host Tracy Weslosky, Dave Mehalick, Chairman, President, and CEO of Coeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: COEP), discusses the company’s innovative strides in cancer therapy since listing on NASDAQ just over a year ago. Coeptis, a company trading under NASDAQ with the symbol COEP, boasts three significant platform technologies. The first is GEAR™ cell therapy, acquired from the Karolinska Institute, aimed at reducing toxicity in monoclonal antibody therapy. The second, SNAP-CAR, an immune-based cell therapy procured from the University of Pittsburgh, facilitates the creation of universal effector cells targeting various cancers. The third, a NOVEL STEM CELL generation technology which includes two phase one clinical trials and a cell generation platform focused on allogeneic cell therapies.
Mehalick highlights Coeptis’ capital structure with roughly 35M common shares, no negative convertible debts, Coeptis went public following a SPAC transaction in October of the previous year at a valuation of USD$182M. He goes on to emphasize the company’s strengths, such as having globally recognized scientists and promising technologies that diverge from the underwhelming results seen in other cell therapy approaches. Coeptis’ technologies are progressing positively in studies, fostering optimism for future cancer therapies.
Mehalick envisions universalizing cell therapy by making it more accessible and affordable. He credits Coeptis’ success to its exceptional management team, including Chief Scientific and Medical Officer Dr. Colleen Delaney, and its collaborations with renowned institutions like the Karolinska Institute. To hear the complete interview, click here
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About Coeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
Coeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries including Coeptis Therapeutics, Inc. and Coeptis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., (collectively “Coeptis”), is a biopharmaceutical company developing innovative cell therapy platforms for cancer that have the potential to disrupt conventional treatment paradigms and improve patient outcomes. Coeptis’ product portfolio and rights are highlighted by assets licensed from Deverra Therapeutics, including an allogeneic cellular immunotherapy platform and DVX201, a clinical-stage, unmodified natural killer cell therapy technology. Additionally, Coeptis is developing a universal, multi-antigen CAR T technology licensed from the University of Pittsburgh (SNAP-CAR), and the GEAR™ cell therapy and companion diagnostic platforms, which Coeptis is developing with VyGen-Bio and leading medical researchers at the Karolinska Institutet. Coeptis’ business model is designed around maximizing the value of its current product portfolio and rights through in-license agreements, out-license agreements and co-development relationships, as well as entering into strategic partnerships to expand its product rights and offerings, specifically those targeting cancer.
To learn more about Coeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., click here
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