Dr. Charles Meakin on the benefits of StageZero Life Sciences early diagnostic cancer test

In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky speaks with Dr. Charles Meakin, Chief Medical Officer at CareOncology.com on how StageZero Life Sciences Ltd.‘s (TSX: SZLS) early diagnostic cancer test will enhance the cancer treatment program that the Health Clinics offer their patients.

In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Dr. Meakin went on to say that Care Oncology has developed a cancer treatment protocol that uses medicines that show 2-3 times increase in average median survival in cancer patients. He added, “We have treated over 5000 patients…our platform is very efficient and 80% of our patients re-enlist…” StageZero has developed the Aristotle® test which can simultaneously screen for 10 cancers from a single sample of blood with high sensitivity and specificity for each cancer. Dr. Meakin explained how StageZero and Care Oncology together can benefit cancer patients by combining early cancer diagnostics of StageZero and the cancer treatment protocol of Care Oncology.

To watch the complete interview, click here

About Health Clinics

Founded in London, England in 2013, Health Clinics specialises in chronic inflammation and metabolic dysfunction and uses telemedicine to provide specialist clinical services across Europe and North America. HC provides two main clinical offerings:

1. Under the trade name Care Oncology Clinic (“COC”), HC provides a patented and safe adjunctive treatment for all cancer types;

2. Under the trade name AVRT (pronounced “avert”), HC clinicians will provide a managed clinical service to help people to reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases, including cancer, using a proportionate and tolerable protocol.

About StageZero Life Sciences, Ltd.

StageZero Life Sciences is dedicated to the early detection of multiple diseases through whole blood tests. The Company’s next-generation test, Aristotle®, is the first-ever multi-cancer panel for simultaneously screening for 10 cancers from a single sample of blood with high sensitivity and specificity for each cancer. StageZero’s full service, telehealth platform includes access to physicians and phlebotomists who can prescribe and draw samples for individuals and groups, and the Company operates a CAP accredited and CLIA certified high-complexity reference laboratory in Richmond, Virginia. In addition, leveraging its specialty in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for the early identification of cancer through blood, StageZero also provides both COVID PCR testing (swab and saliva) and blood test analysis (Antibody testing).

To learn more about StageZero Life Sciences Ltd., click here

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One response

  1. Koko Avatar

    Is this a paid interview?

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