MiCOVID Cam thermal temperature screening helps schools and businesses reopen safely


Direct Communication Solutions leads the way in smart, unmanned screening tech

COVID-19 continues to spread globally, now at a staggering 22,306,538 confirmed cases and 784,353 deaths. Companies developing technologies to quickly and accurately screen for possible COVID-19 cases in the community are seeing their stock prices surge. There is one small company that has developed a new AI thermal detector with cutting edge facial recognition which is currently under the radar of investors.

That company is Direct Communication Solutions Inc. (CSE: DCSI | OTCQB: DCSX) (“DCS”), an Internet of Things (IoTs) solutions company. IoTs solutions provide better ways for businesses to collect and assess business-critical data from all types of assets and devices using their hardware, software applications and scalable cloud services.

In late July 2020, DCS announced their latest product, a new AI thermal detector with cutting edge facial recognition and body temperature detection, known as MiCOVID Cam. DCS say that by “utilizing the latest AI chipset technology, MiCOVID Cam offers immediate body temperature detection, the longest sensor range, and the highest level of accuracy available in the market today.” The MiCOVID Cam is fully integrated into the DCS Web Services offering. DCS has also developed a 7 in 1 sensor which is significantly cheaper and offers seven sensors packaged together compared to competitors just one sensor.

Direct Communication Solutions new MiCOVID cam is designed to automatically screen for COVID-19 in businesses and schools


A unique feature to DCS’s MiCOVID Cam is it offers employers a web-based solution without the need for operators by using its advanced AI. This makes it a cost-effective solution for screening the temperatures of visitors, employees or students. MiCOVID Cam can even automatically detect if employees or customers are wearing a mask or not. Employers can save the costs of manual screening by automating the whole process. In some cases the US CARES Act has paid for screening devices, recognizing the urgent need for better screening.

Fast mass screening has been a challenge. The MiCOVID Cam solution is capable of automatically screening up to 2,400 persons per hour, making it ideal for large businesses, organizations and schools.

The MiCOVID Cam in use at a Poland School District automatically screening students, staff, and teachers

Source: You can watch the video here.

David Scowby, COO of DCS explains that the “MiCovid Cam is another milestone achievement for DCS and fits into our strategy of providing our IoT technologies and Web Services to our partners developing next generation software applications… It is a unique time where our economy is needing the support to reopen, and offering MiCovid Cam is a way for businesses to reopen with advanced safety solutions.”

These are certainly unique times. COVID-19 continues to spread through the community and screening measures such as the DCS MiCOVID Cam is a much needed smart product to help identify and minimize the spread of COVID-19, or other infectious diseases with a thermal imprint. The automatic screening without the need of staff is a significant and natural advantage for DCS, as they offer a suite of web-connected IoTs solutions for their customers.

DCS’s technologies is already established in California and has a growing number of partners including Sprint, Cellcom, Bluegrass Cellular, Bell, CCA, Inland Cellular, US Cellular, SkyEye GPS, Verizon, and Telus. Strategic partners include Queclink, Cal/Amp. Telit, ATrack, and GoldenM.

Closing remarks

I think DCS’s MiCOVID Cam is a significant and timely addition to the company’s sensor technologies and can be an important tool in the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19, so a win-win for all. Added to MiCOVID Cam, DCS has three other key IoTS products – MiFleet (GPS tracking), MiSensors (remote monitoring system), and Brewsee (a beer life cycle monitor & control system). All of this is part of what is a rapidly growing IoTs global market forecast to reach US$1.1 trillion by 2023 and with a forecast 21.5 billion connected devices worldwide by 2025.

Direct Communication Solutions Inc. is currently trading on a market cap of just C$14.7m despite last year having C$16m in revenue, essentially at a valuation of below 1x revenue, which is generally considered very cheap. This is before factoring in any potential future revenues from their new MiCOVID Cam solution. Investors may not want to wait too long on this one as cutting-edge technologies tend to move quickly once discovered by industry and investors.

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