Global changes coming in the rare earths and critical materials supply chain and EV manufacturing

In this InvestorIntel PDAC 2022 Panel on “Building the Rare Earths and Critical Materials’ Supply Chain to Meet EV Market Demand”, host Byron W King is joined by “all star” guests Ucore Rare Metals Inc.‘s (TSXV: UCU | OTCQX: UURAF) Chairman and CEO Pat Ryan, Vital Metals Limited‘s (ASX: VML | OTCQB: VTMXF) Managing Director Geoff Atkins, Stormcrow Capital Ltd.‘s President and Director Dr. Jonathan Hykawy, and Boyd Davis, Principal of Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc..

In the video, which can also be viewed in full on the InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here), the panel discusses the race to supply North American rare earths needs and limitations on domestic production. Boyd Davis observes that over the next 10 to 12 years, “how much we want to get away from China will be dictated by the cost and supply security and the ability to get raw materials.” Dr. Jonathan Hykawy discusses China’s own domestic supply issues and how it imports lithium and heavy mineral sands for processing. Geoff Atkins also points out the risk of sole-suppliers with EV and other rare earths reliant manufacturers “needing a diversified supply chain and assessing their risks on single point of failure.” Regardless, he says EV manufacturing represents a shift from basic commodities to high technology materials. He and Pat Ryan of Vital Minerals agree that both North America and China will become increasingly reliant on automation to counter rising labor costs.

The panel also discusses whether critical materials mining permitting and processing is likely to be fast-tracked in future to meet industry demand, and whether there will be more vertical integration by EV manufacturers.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here

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About Ucore Rare Metals Inc.

Ucore is focused on rare- and critical-metals resources, extraction, beneficiation, and separation technologies with the potential for production, growth, and scalability. Ucore has a 100% ownership stake in the Bokan-Dotson Ridge Rare Earth Element Project in Southeast Alaska, USA. Ucore’s vision and plan is to become a leading advanced technology company, providing best-in-class metal separation products and services to the mining and mineral extraction industry.

Through strategic partnerships, Ucore’s vision includes disrupting the People’s Republic of China’s control of the US REE supply chain through the development of a heavy and light rare-earth processing facility – the Alaska Strategic Metals Complex in Southeast Alaska and the long-term development of Ucore’s heavy-rare-earth-element mineral-resource property located at Bokan Mountain on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.

To learn more about Ucore Rare Metals Inc., click here

About Vital Metals Limited

Vital Metals Limited (ASX: VML) is Canada’s first rare earths producer following commencement of production at its Nechalacho rare earths project in Canada in June 2021. It holds a portfolio of rare earths, technology metals and gold projects located in Canada, Africa and Germany.

To know more about Vital Metals Limited, click here

About Stormcrow Capital Ltd.

Stormcrow Capital Ltd. is an Exempt Market Dealer registered with the Ontario Securities Commission and the Autorité desmarchés financiers (Quebec). Stormcrow has both issuer and investor clients. Stormcrow is also a financial and technical/scientific consultant that provides certain of its clients with some or all of the following services: (i) an assessment of the client’s industry, business plans and operations, market positioning, economic situation and prospects; (ii) certain technical and scientific commentary, analysis and advice that is within the expertise of Stormcrow’s staff; (iii) advice regarding optimization strategies for the client’s business and capital structure; (iv) due diligence investigation services; and (v) opinions regarding the future expected value of the client’s or a offeror/offeree’s equity securities so as to allow the client to then make capital market, capital budgeting and capital structure plans. With the consent of Stormcrow’s issuer client, the client and/or its industry sector may be the subject of an investment or financial research report, newsletter, bulletin or other publication by Stormcrow where such publication is made publicly available at or elsewhere or is otherwise distributed by Stormcrow. Any such publication is limited to generic, non-tailored advice or opinions and should not be construed as investment advice that is suitable for the reader or recipient. Stormcrow does not offer personalized or tailored investment advice to anyone (other than its current investor clients) and Stormcrow’s research reports should not be relied upon by anyone in making any investment decisions. Rather, investors should speak in person with their personal financial advisor(s) to obtain suitable investment advice.

To learn more about Stormcrow Capital Ltd., click here
About Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc.

Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc. is a privately owned Canadian company located in Kingston, Ontario. Our interdisciplinary team includes engineers, scientists, chemists, technicians, and modellers, led by co-owners Boyd Davis and Alain Roy. Our clients include large multi-national mining and metallurgical companies, as well as companies specialized in industrial chemistry, advanced materials, and energy.

To learn more about Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc., click here

Disclaimer: Ucore Rare Metals Inc. and Vital Metals Limited are advertorial members of InvestorIntel Corp.

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3 responses

  1. joe o Avatar
    joe o

    where is the AIDEA funding?
    ucore has been stating AIDEA are behind them for 8 yrs, but still no money for an SMC (forget Bokan isnt happening(

  2. Rare Earths Investor Avatar
    Rare Earths Investor

    The big question for niche RE miners is, to what degree will the US Biden Admin’ allow new mining permits vs going to friendly borders for feedstock (the potential political placation of green party element to avoid potential drawn-out court battles and to enable fast-track processing, etc., within borders)? Clearly, large implications for miners in the US and CAD.
    GLTA – REI

  3. Tracy Weslosky Avatar
    Tracy Weslosky

    REI, your comment is accurate and is a forewarning of what anyone that is not driven by an American CEO should prepare for. I tell anyone who will listen to ramp up your American Board members, as the days of hiring an American lobbyist to do the trick —- are over. This is an opinion, based on 10,000+ hours in this sector. Thx for your comment. Tracy

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