Jack Lifton with Appia’s Stephen Burega on the Significance of the Heavy Rare Earths’ Discovery in Brazil


May 13, 2024 — In an insightful interview with the Critical Minerals Institute (CMI) Jack Lifton*, Stephen Burega, President of Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. (CSE: API | OTCQX: APAAF), delved into the promising rare earth developments at the company’s PCH project in Goiás State, Brazil. Burega discussed the initial desorption test results from the project, emphasizing their significance in confirming the ionic characteristics of the weathered Ipora granite. These results have been “quite attractive,” with Burega noting, “Some of the best that’s been seen.” This initial success has fueled optimism within the company, as further testing and optimization of the desorption processes are planned to enhance recovery rates. Burega proudly shared the mineral resource estimate announced on March 1st, highlighting two target areas, Target IV and Buriti, which revealed an estimated 52 million tons of material with an average grade of approximately 2700 ppm of Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO).

Jack Lifton, providing context for the viewers, described the discovery as “potentially the most significant in the Western world for heavy rare earths”, particularly noting the high grade and ease of recovery compared to other known deposits. Lifton elaborated on the unique properties of the Ipora granite, suggesting that its younger geological age contributes to its superior grade and desorption characteristics. He also explained the relevance of these materials for high-performance magnets used in advanced technologies, emphasizing the importance of dysprosium and terbium found in the deposit. Burega agreed with Lifton’s assessment and pointed towards ongoing efforts to expand the exploration area, mentioning the promising indications across the 40,000 hectares property that could lead to the identification of new mineralization zones. The company maintains strong local community relations and governmental support, which Burega believes are crucial for the project’s future development. (*Jack Lifton is currently on the Advisory Board of Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.) — To access the complete interview, click here

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About Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.

Appia is a publicly traded Canadian company in the rare earth element and uranium sectors. The Company holds the right to acquire up to a 70% interest in the PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay Project (See June 9th, 2023 Press Release – Click HERE) which is 40,963.18 ha. in size and located within the Goiás State of Brazil. (See January 11th, 2024 Press Release – Click HERE) The Company is also focusing on delineating high-grade critical rare earth elements and gallium on the Alces Lake property, and exploring for high-grade uranium in the prolific Athabasca Basin on its Otherside, Loranger, North Wollaston, and Eastside properties. The Company holds the surface rights to exploration for 94,982.39 hectares (234,706.59 acres) in Saskatchewan. The Company also has a 100% interest in 13,008 hectares (32,143 acres), with rare earth elements and uranium deposits over five mineralized zones in the Elliot Lake Camp, Ontario.

To learn more about Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp., click here

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One response

  1. Rare Earths Investor Avatar
    Rare Earths Investor

    These results have been “quite attractive,” with Burega noting, “Some of the best that’s been seen.” This initial success has fueled optimism within the company, as further testing and optimization of the desorption processes are planned to enhance recovery rates.

    Outside of these drill results what else fuels Appia’s belief that they as opposed to dozens of other wannabees will be get backing? Which country might strategically back Appia? If such a source does not occur then what are the chances of a major private investment from the likes of a Forrest or Reinhart?

    Where are the offtake talks (what manufacturer categories and how many 1 to 1)?

    Are we to assume if there is no release of such information year after year then these entities have not even had such issues raised by any third parties?

    Clearly these are just the tip of the iceberg questions, but the type that potential RE shareholders are looking for to see some movement. As the RE sector malaise grip tightens (note the recent spate of RE wannabee cost-cutting moves and claims to metals diversification) we are seeing a few wannabees who already have such moves in hand and are now seemingly being given more (be it strategic and/or major private, plus offtakes).

    The prime movers are being established and are providing investors with information well beyond drill holes.

    Despite a very dour RE sector, the race to emergence is still on.

    GLTA – REI

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