Jamie Tuer of Fjordland Exploration Discuss Battery Metals Projects “Driving” Exploration in Canada


In this InvestorIntel interview during PDAC 2023, Tracy Weslosky talks with Fjordland Exploration Inc.’s (TSXV: FEX) CEO, President, and Director Jamie Tuer about the hot Australian market and its interest in Canadian businesses for lithium and nickel projects.

Jamies discusses Fjordland’s focus on critical minerals, also known as battery minerals or critical minerals, to drive the new economy forward and its recently staked potential lithium projects in Quebec. James mentions how they discovered an old map that showed white pegmatite, which is indicative of lithium-bearing spodumene.

James goes on to talk about the rising market interest in critical minerals that are necessary to drive the green economy going forward.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here.

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About Fjordland Exploration Inc.

Fjordland Exploration Inc. is a mineral exploration company that is focused on the discovery of large-scale economic metal deposits in Canada.

In collaboration with Ivanhoe Electric Inc. and Commander Resources Ltd., Fjordland is exploring the South Voisey’s Bay (“SVB”) “Pants Lake Intrusive” target which is in a geologic setting analogous to the nearby nickel-cobalt-copper Voisey’s Bay deposit. Fjordland has earned a 75% interest in the project.

Fjordland also owns a 100% interest in the Renzy nickel and copper project located near Maniwaki, Quebec. The project encompasses the former Renzy Mine where, during the period from 1969 to 1972, 716,000 short tons were mined with average grades of 0.70% nickel and 0.72% copper. Fjordland has staked additional claims to increase the size of the project to 530 square km.

In addition, Fjordland has 2 copper-gold properties in the Quesnel Trough of central British Columbia. The West Milligan copper-gold project is a joint venture with Northwest Copper Corp. (TSXV: NWST) located within 4 km of Centerra Gold’s (TSX: CG) Mount Milligan copper-gold mine. The Witch copper-gold project is 103 square km and located another 35 km west of the Milligan mine.

To know more about Fjordland Exploration Inc., click here.

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