Scandium Canada’s Guy Bourassa on One of the Largest Primary Scandium Projects in the World

In an insightful interview with InvestorNews host Tracy Weslosky, Guy Bourassa, CEO and Director of Scandium Canada Ltd. (TSXV: SCD | OTCQB: SCDCF), highlighted their unique position in the global scandium market as the owner of “…one of the largest primary scandium projects in the world”. Bourassa emphasized that this distinction is particularly significant given the current scarcity of scandium, which is primarily sourced as a byproduct from regions such as Russia and China. The scarcity of scandium underscores the strategic importance of Scandium Canada’s Crater Lake Project, as industries worldwide are increasingly in need of reliable and scalable sources of scandium to meet the growing demand for this high-performance metal.

Bourassa discussed how scandium offers remarkable benefits when added to aluminum alloys, significantly enhancing their properties. These enhanced scandium-aluminium alloys exhibit increased strength, improved thermal resistance, and greater weldability compared to their standard aluminum counterparts. This combination of traits makes scandium-alloyed materials highly sought after, especially in sectors where material performance and weight reduction are critical, such as aerospace, automotive, and defense industries. Bourassa explained that incorporating scandium leads to significant weight reduction, facilitating more efficient aircraft and vehicles which, in turn, contributes to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Bourassa drew an intriguing parallel to the history of niobium, an element that revolutionized the steel industry by enhancing steel’s properties when alloyed. He added, “Scandium Canada is going to do the same thing for the aluminum sector.” Furthermore, the strategic initiatives undertaken by Scandium Canada, including leveraging significant grants and government programs available for critical mineral projects in Canada, position the company advantageously for rapid project advancement with minimal shareholder dilution. This financial acumen, coupled with the project’s significance in providing a primary source of scandium, places Scandium Canada in a strong competitive position.

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About Scandium Canada Ltd.

Scandium Canada is a Canadian technology metals company focused on advancing its flagship Crater Lake scandium and rare earth project in Québec.

To learn more about Scandium Canada Ltd., click here

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