Technology Metals Report (03.22.2024): US pledges $1.28B for ASX rare earths stocks and Biden takes a major step in tackling climate change
Welcome to the latest issue of the Technology Metals Report (TMR), brought to you by the Critical Minerals…
The Up and Coming Uranium Boom
An interview with Hallgarten + Company’s Christopher Ecclestone and the Critical Minerals Institute’s (CMI) Tracy Weslosky on the…
Ur-Energy’s John Cash on rising interest in NA sourced uranium
In this InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky interviews Ur-Energy Inc.‘s (NYSE American: URG | TSX: URE) CEO, Chairman, and…
Christopher Ecclestone on the “leaky door” for Russian Uranium
In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky interviews Hallgarten & Company’s Principal and Mining Strategist Christopher Ecclestone about…
Ur-Energy, Hedging the uranium supply against the chaos of war
The big question right now is what will Putin do next? Last week U.S President Biden banned Russian…
Mark Chalmers says that Energy Fuels will be soon ready to resume processing of yellowcake, the ore concentrate of uranium
In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky spoke with Mark Chalmers, President and CEO of Energy Fuels Inc.…
Dependence on Russian Uranium has Investors Eyeing Ur-Energy for Domestic Production
As I noted earlier in the week, in light of certain global political issues the United States may…
Until we have fusion, there is Fission 3.0 for new uranium supply opportunities
Geopolitics are currently front and center in the news stream. I won’t even pretend to know what the…
Uranium Finance gets ahead of Climate Politics
A new (state owned) company, ANU Energy OEIC Ltd, in the Republic of Kazakhstan made the following announcement…