wind turbines
Codemge’s CEO on Leveraging Minas Gerais’ Position as Brazil’s Niobium Mining Powerhouse
In this interview with Critical Minerals Institute (CMI) Director Melissa (Mel) Sanderson at PDAC 2024, Thiago Coelho Toscano, CEO of…
What are the Implications if Tesla’s Next Generation Motors are Rare Earths-Free?
At Tesla’s Investor Day on March 1, 2023, Franz Von Holzhausen, Lead Design Executive at Tesla Motors (Nasdaq:TSLA),…
Zentek’s revolutionary graphene based icephobic coating targets billion dollar ice-resistant market
Ice build-up on wind turbines, airplanes, and cars in cold regions is a real problem. For example, Texas…
Get Ready, Get Set, Go – EV Demand Raises the Boron Bull Flag.
NASDAQ listed 5E Advanced Materials is building a vertically integrated boron products operation in California to supply growing…